Resistant Starch (RS) is prebiotic in nature and is defined as the sum of starch and products of starch degradation not absorbed in small intestine of healthy individuals but later are fermented by natural microflora of the colon to produce short chain fatty acids. RS acts as a nutraceutical and its consumption leads to many health benefits. The aim of the study was to determine starch, amylose and RS content of 2 different varieties each of raw cereals and legumes. The starch, amylose and RS content of cereals and legumes ranged from 31 – 43 g%, 9.17 - 29.26 g% and 0.62 – 1.98 g% respectively. There was a significant varietal difference in starch, amylose and RS content in both the cereals and legumes. A significant difference was also observed in the RS content between the cereals and legumes (p<0.01). The starch, amylose and phytin contents showed a positive correlation where as oxalate showed a negative correlation with RS content of cereals and legumes.